Tips for a garden that’s always in bloom

If you are interested in creating a garden that blooms effortlessly all year then this is the blog for you! Gardens that have year-round interest take planning but if you follow these tips, we’ll help make the process a lot easier.

TIP 1: Plant a variety of perennials that have different bloom times otherwise you’ll be left with a garden of green that lacks variety whenever your plants aren’t in full bloom.

TIP 2: Break up the seasons:

  • Early Spring is when all your fall-planted bulbs, such as Crocus and Anemone, will start to bloom.

  • Late Spring is when the explosion happens. With little to no effort all the major garden perennials, such as Peonies, Irises, and Allium, will be in bloom at this time.

  • Early Summer is when your spring garden starts to transition into a summer garden and plants like Hydrangea and Lavender start to bloom.

  • Late summer requires some planning because it’s when all the summer flowers start to fade. Add plants like Ligularia dentata or Echinacea to keep you garden blooming all summer long.

  • Fall - gardens don’t have to end when fall begins. Plants like Rudbeckia or Aster will give your garden life even when the temperatures start to drop.

TIP 3: Remember that while most perennials are short-lived, some seem to last forever. Some of our favorite long-lasting perennials are:

  • Yarrow - some types of yarrow will continue blooming from April all the way up to October.

  • Lavender will stay bluish purple for many weeks throughout the summer.

  • Echinacea will remain beautiful for several months, usually starting in late summer and lasting through to the fall.

TIP 4: Don’t forget the foliage. Foliage remain a constant in your garden all season long and can give your garden contrast. Ligularia dentata 'Othello' is one of our favorites.

TIP 5: Choose some plants that hold up in winter. Plants like Hostas are beautiful in the summer and fall but as soon as the frost hits, they turn to mush. Chose a few plants that hold up in winter and add interest to your garden. Some of our favorites are Karl Foerster grass and Allium.

Following these tips will help you create a professional looking garden with year-round interest but if you decide you’d like a little more guidance, please reach out so we can help you design your own personal paradise!

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