Tips & News

The Yardblog

A resource for helpful tips and sustainable ideas.


About the yardblog

The goal is to make this blog a resource for helpful tips and sustainable ideas. We create original content that shows projects in progress and the behind-the-scenes of installation.

Sustainability, Tips & Tricks Adam Parks Sustainability, Tips & Tricks Adam Parks


Before asphalt, driveways were made of stone, oyster shells, or dirt. Yet, at some point, we replaced those natural, sustainable materials with blacktop, one of the most harmful substances, and placed it right next to our homes. Now it’s time to rethink this choice and replace blacktop with something more sustainable that will benefit both us and the environment.

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The Benefits of Native Plants

Native plants are those that are indigenous to a specific region, and have evolved to support the ecosystems in that area. These plants have formed symbiotic relationships with native wildlife over hundreds or thousands of years, and therefore offer the most sustainable habitat. Click below to read more about the  benefits of these types of plants. 

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Support Nature. Plant Natives.

Native plants play a very important role in our ecosystems. They support local wildlife such as bees and butterflies - which pollinate approximately 75% of the worlds flowering plants and 35% of the world's food crops. Native species have evolved over hundreds or thousands of years for survival. So they tend to be more naturally adapted to local growing conditions and often require less fertilizer, water etc. for successful establishment. That means less maintenance and more time to enjoy your yard!.

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