Tips & News
The Yardblog
A resource for helpful tips and sustainable ideas.
About the yardblog
The goal is to make this blog a resource for helpful tips and sustainable ideas. We create original content that shows projects in progress and the behind-the-scenes of installation.
Mugwort: Don’t Let It Stick around
Mugwort is a incredibly invasive species and it can’t be ignored.
WITCH HAZEL (Hamamelis virginiana)
Witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), native to the eastern United States, is a stunning deciduous shrub that blooms in late fall to early winter with bright yellow, spidery flowers. This easy-to-grow plant is a perfect choice for eco-conscious gardeners who are seeking year-round interest.
Gip-c Program: Our First Project
the first project in the GIP-C program is in South Orange, NJ and it’s called the Rain Park.
Planting the Dutch Wave
The way to get the Dutch Wave effect is to use more plants in a way that gets the plants to look natural. easier said than done.
Three Principles for the Dutch Wave
The Dutch Wave has 3 major parts to it: use only perennials, use lots and lots of them and do it in a way that feels like nature.
Origins of the Dutch Wave
The Dutch Wave is a new movement in gardening to use perennials and grasses in ways that show naturalistic patterns and other characteristics. Two men have pioneered the movement. the first was Karl Foerster and the second Piet Oudolf.
The World of Weeds
Weeds are often defined as plants growing where they are unwelcome. What makes these plants so undesirable? What sort of problems can they cause? Can weeds be useful? Beneficial even? Let's take a closer look at the wonderful world of weeds.
Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem)
'Red October' is a show stopper with year-round beauty. Click here to read more about this amazing plant!
The Benefits of Native Plants
Native plants are those that are indigenous to a specific region, and have evolved to support the ecosystems in that area. These plants have formed symbiotic relationships with native wildlife over hundreds or thousands of years, and therefore offer the most sustainable habitat. Click below to read more about the benefits of these types of plants.
Support Nature. Plant Natives.
Native plants play a very important role in our ecosystems. They support local wildlife such as bees and butterflies - which pollinate approximately 75% of the worlds flowering plants and 35% of the world's food crops. Native species have evolved over hundreds or thousands of years for survival. So they tend to be more naturally adapted to local growing conditions and often require less fertilizer, water etc. for successful establishment. That means less maintenance and more time to enjoy your yard!.
When it rains, it pours. How can a rain garden help?
We've spoken about rain gardens many times over the years but people always have questions about what their primary function is and how much they cost. Now that rainy season is approaching, it's a good time for a refresher course!
Prepping for fall is essential to ensure the health and productivity of your plants in the coming seasons. Read this blog to get our top 10 tips on how to protect your garden from the incoming cold weather.
Frost Flower (Aster)
When summer blooms begin to fade, these flowers put on a vivid display. Click hear to read more!
We know that working within a clients means can be crucial to a project's success but in this blog we want to discuss the importance of taking the time to look beyond the budget.
Texas bluebonnet (Lupinus texensis)
Texas Bluebonnets are a very low maintenance plants that are native to the United States. Click here to read more!
What’s it gonna cost ME?
We are often asked how much a project is going to cost before we even start brainstorming what the client is looking for. It's hard to answer that question before going through the design phase together but here are some helpful numbers that might guide you through the process.
Prairie Dock (Silphium terebinthinaceum)
Silphium terebinthinaceum, commonly known as Prairie Dock, is a member of the Asteraceae family and is native to North America.
Know your Hardiness Zone
When people want to create a more contemporary planting design for a yard, they will need to use perennials and grasses that come back year after year. This means you need to pick the right species for the job. Only when you use the correct plants for your hardiness zone will you see them come back once the snow melts.
The Countdown To Crocus
Every year we get tons of requests to include crocus in our yard designs. A few autumns back, we actually planted over a 1000 of them in South Orange and Maplewood! Crocus is a genus of seasonal flowering plants in the Iris family comprising about 100 species of perennials growing from corms.
Should you plant a four season garden?
Even though summer and fall have gone - and with it all the colors and abundance that the warmer months have to offer - the beauty of nature continues to shine.